Media presence analysis
Companies with considerable press exposure question themselves on the quality of their media presence, on the financial value of the articles in which they are quoted, and how they compare with their competition. Media reputation has the same level of influence on consumer behaviour as advertising.
The media presence analysis service measures the effects and results of communication activities. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of what the media write about the company, the brand and its competitors provides a tool for the Communications Director, Marketing Director and Press Office to monitor and evaluate their communication activity, press exposure and its value.
The assessment of the results of communications (both active and passive) qualitatively and quantitatively has become an essential and determining tool for marketing positioning.
Advertising Value Equivalent of media presence
The certified advertising value equivalent is conducted in collaboration with a company specialised in creating and developing software programs and is born from experience in the field of communications. This evaluation produces a financial, concrete and quantifiable result.
This newly conceived program can provide a very precise valuation of articles, quotes, colour and black and white photographs which show or mention the "product". Analysed data includes diffusion, print circulation, demographics etc, which are compared to a statistical basis to provide a precise financial result.
The factors which are taken into account in the database are updated every two months by agencies which specialise in the field (Dati & Tariffe, AC Nielsen, ADS, Audipress).